DBPix Sample Source Code: config.inc Back to sample
FUNCTION GetConnectString()
Dim dbPath
dbPath = "asppub2k.mdb"
' *********************************************************************
' *** Un-comment ONE of the following connection strings. ***
' *** If using the ODBC DSN connection you will also have to ***
' *** create a system DSN in 'Data Sources' in the control panel ***
' *********************************************************************
' 1st choice OLEDB 4 connection, no DSN - may not work unless you have a recent version of MDAC
GetConnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.Mappath(dbPath) & ";User Id=admin;Password=;"
' 2nd choice OLEDB 3.51 connection, no DSN - may not work unless you have a (less) recent version of MDAC
' GetConnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;Data Source=" & Server.Mappath(dbPath) & ";User Id=admin;Password=;"
' 3rd choice ODBC DSN-Less connection - Should work on most systems
' GetConnectString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & Server.Mappath(dbPath) &";Uid=Admin;Pwd=;"
' 4th choice ODBC DSN connection - You msu set-up a system DSN to use this
' GetConnectString = "uid=sa;pwd=sa;dsn=simpasp97;"
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